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Very knowledgeable instructor, relevant content, well laid out, and practical-focused curriculum with immediate implementation.

Abdul-Azim Azeez
Global Director at Hexagon Asset

The instructors are knowledgeable experts, but most importantly open to questions. Overall, the best course of my life!

Anastasiia Y.
Product Analyst at Verto Health

A great overview of product management, the process of launching products, and what's required to be a product manager.

Andre Ehiwe
Digital Product Manager at PC Financial

I benefitted greatly from the product management program and mentorship. Not long after completion I got a promotion!

Andrew Lee
Cofounder & CPO of SFT Studios

Product Hall is one of the highest value schools, both on time and money for those seeking to learn and/or thrive in product.

Asharib S
Product Innovation at 7-Eleven

Quadri was crucial in helping me secure my first PM role. A great teacher, patient, and always willing to answer questions as they came.

Camila Gargantini
Chief of Staff of Workplace at Oyster

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You’ll uncover the core concepts of AI, learn how to evaluate potential for your products, and gain practical insights on how to integrate AI into your workflow.